Las cuotas de socio para la temporada 2023 – 2024, son las que se reflejan a continuación:
* Socio General - 70€
* Socio Jubilados - 40€
** Abono Familiar - 20€
*** Abono Joven - 40€
Personal del Club - 40€
* Únicos Socios con derecho a voto en Asambleas y Elecciones
** Precio por persona. Padre / madre.
*** Hasta 25 años

Membership fees for the 2020-2021 season, are those that are reflected below:
* General Member - € 60
* Retired Members - € 35
Family Pass - € 35
Youth Pass - € 35
Club Staff - € 35
* Only Members with the right to vote in Assemblies and Elections
The membership card gives the right to access all * league matches and friendly matches of the CD El Álamo First Team, as well as such as the matches of the lower category teams organized by the Club at the Facundo Rivas Municipal Stadium.
The Members are reminded that the Card is PERSONAL AND NON-TRANSFERABLE , and that the use of the Membership Card by another person IS FORBIDDEN and may mean the expulsion of the Member.
* Except matches designated as "Club Day"
The Board Club Board, after approval in the Assembly, reserves the right to grant Cards of "Member of Honor" without cost to the affected party, taking into account their work on behalf of the Club. They will have the same rights as active members.
According to the Club Statutes, the following assumptions will lose the status of Member, regardless of their category:
By own will expressed in writing addressed to the Board of Directors
Due to non-payment of three monthly installments (Currently, as it is a single payment, the closing of payments is established at the end of the first round).
For breach of obligations or for moral or material damage caused to the Entity
By death
Any member who is withdrawn from the Club, voluntary or due to expulsion, will lose all acquired rights.
All members of the Club will have the right to attend the ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies, likewise it is established that those members over 16 years of age will have a voice and vote, more than a year old and up to date with payment.
The Club establishes the principle of equality for all members, without discrimination based on race, sex, religion, ideology or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.
Según los Estatutos del Club, perderán la condición de Socio, sea cual fuere su categoría, los siguientes supuestos:
Por voluntad propia expresada por escrito dirigido a la Junta Directiva
Por falta de pago de la couta (se establece el cierre de pagos el 30 de Septiembre de 2023).
Por incumplimiento de las obligaciones o por perjuicio moral o material ocasionado a la Entidad
Por defunción
Todo socio que sea baja del Club, voluntaria o por expulsión, perderá todos los derechos adquiridos.
Tendrán derecho a asistir a las asambleas generales ordinarias y extraordinarias, todos los socios del Club, así mismo se establece que tendrán voz y voto aquellos socios mayores de 16 años, con más de un año de antigüedad y al corriente de pago.
El Club establece el principio de igualdad de todos los socios, sin discriminación por razón de raza, sexo, religión, ideología o cualquier otra condición o circunstancia personal o social.